Creating wonderful memories

With a rich history already, in 2021 started a new chapter for this amazing location. Joanna and Mick Daly, with their four-legged mate Sheldon the dog, are looking forward to creating wonderful memories together with you. We are a family who want each and every visitor to Smygehuk Lighthouse to feel a part of the extended family in their own way. What we offer is homely comfort without all the excesses, an honest experience – plain and simple.

Meet the hosts

  • Joanna Daly

    Head Chef and host

    Joanna has an eye for service and a nose for food and drink, a trained chef and sommelier. With many years of making people feel extra special.

  • Michael Daly


    Mick has a glint in his eye and joke never far away. Always ready to have a chat and share stories, he loves to share his Aussie hospitality.

  • Sheldon


    Sheldon is the gentlest soul and is happiest with a belly rub and something tasty to eat. He will not be far from where people are, enjoying all the attention.

The lighthouse

55˚20' North 13˚21' East

The rugged and windy coast line around Smygehuk and Beddinge was the scene of many a boat which had run aground. It was then decided that a lightouse would be built at Swedens most southern point to give a fixed point to base all navigation on. Smygehuk Lighthouse was built 1883 or riveted iron and is 17 meters high which gives it a total height for the light of 19,6 meters above sea level and a range of 2 nautical miles. Originally the lamp was kerosene driven but in 1931, with availability of eletricity, the lamp was changed to electric. The lighthouse shone bright up until 1975 when it was extinguished due to being replaced but in 2001 Trelleborgs council decided to ignite the lighthouse again and today it blinks happily to passing by vessels.